PROBLEMSHIFTING: a research programme on the complex dynamics of problem-shifting in global environmental governance

Research Students

Masters Projects

Research Students
Amy Sun
Do nature-based solutions create more problems? A case study of a private company-led agroforestry project in Indonesia
Research Students
Laura Bengel
In the shadow of the Amazon rainforest: The EU’s oversight of problem shifting to the Cerrado
Research Students
Sem Jans
Estimating problem shifting from the Minamata Convention on Mercury: An assessment of the policy response and unintended impacts induced by the implementation of the Minamata Convention
Research Students
Leon Wagenknecht
Imagining a multiplanetary future: Elon Musk's impact on the sustainability discourse
Research Students
Lucie Oelschläger
NGOs – the holistic protectors of the environment? A network analysis on the interconnection of climate and biodiversity in Germany's climate NGOs
Research Students
Elliot Kelly
Cascading problems through the Ramsar Convention
Research Students
Renate Reitsma
Future-proofing institutions by entering dangerous territory
Research Students
Jannah Wijermars
Facilitation for the future: The Ozone Secretariat's role during the Kigali Amendment negotiations
Research Students
Christopher Krüger
A computational analysis of environmental treaty decisions
Research Students
Thomas Gruben
The effects of short-termism on environmental problem shifting
Research Students
Minttu Hänninen
Directionality of problem shifting between international environmental regimes and its impacts on fragmentation
Research Students
Jonathan Hirschhäuser
Environmental problem shifting between international environmental treaty regimes

Honours Projects

Research Students
Claire Hermsen
The politics of net environmental benefit analysis
Research Students
Jia Qi Hu
Conceptualizing environmental problem shifting
Research Students
Sara Matthée
Designed as cover-up, rebelling as solution: Minimising negative impacts of response measures through expert input to reduce problem-shifting Under UNFCCC
Research Students
Barbora Kvasničková
Designed as cover-up, rebelling as solution: Minimising negative impacts of response measures through expert input to reduce problem-shifting Under UNFCCC

Bachelor Students

Research Students
Annaflavia Tarullo
Research Students
Cléo Dorel-Watson
Research Students
Finnur Ricart Andrason
Research Students
Jasper Zoon
Research Students
Laurens Pardede
Research Students
Lukas Krüger
Research Students
Renske de Boer
Research Students
Sebastian Fortineau

Former Research Assistants

Research Students
Ricardo de Bruijne
Bright Minds Assistant
Research Students
Lucie Oelschläger
Bright Minds Assistant
Research Students
Mara Scheibenreif
Bright Minds Assistant
Research Students
Amy Liebregts
Project Assistant
Research Students
Gabriel Costa Macedo de Arruda
Research Assistant
Research Students
Heikke Merilin Raidma
Bright Minds Assistant
Research Students
Pien Barnas
Outreach Assistant