PROBLEMSHIFTING: a research programme on the complex dynamics of problem-shifting in global environmental governance

Advisory Board

The project team works with the Advisory Board consisting of world-renowned scholars in earth system science, law, and governance.


Advisory Board
Frank Biermann
Professor of Global Sustainability Governance at Utrecht University
Advisory Board
Pamela Chasek
Professor of Political Science at Manhattan College
Advisory Board
Victor Galaz
Associate Professor of Political Science at Stockholm University
Advisory Board
Ellen Hey
Professor of Public International Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Advisory Board
Ronald Mitchell
Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon
Advisory Board
Harro van Asselt
Hatton Professor of Climate Law at the University of Cambridge
Advisory Board
Detlef van Vuuren
Professor in Integrated Assessment of Global Environmental Change at Utrecht University
Advisory Board
Hyejin Youn
Associate Professor of Management and Organization at Northwestern University